Base64 encoder is an online tool which encrypts arbitrary binary data in a 64-character ASCII alphabet. This utility also supports url encoding.
The usage of this online tool is super easy. Just place a text which should be encoded into input textarea. Optionally in more input options check encode url checkbox when you are interested in base64 url encoding. Next, click on encode base64 button. Finally, you can see your encoding base64 string in the output textarea.
How base64 encoding works?
Base64 encoding is a cryptography technique which takes binary data and converts in a 64-character alphabet. It takes 4 characters per 3 bytes of data, plus potentially a bit of padding at the end. Each 6 bits is encoded in a 64-character ASCII alphabet which uses A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and + and /, with = as a padding character.
Base64 encode translation is done via radix 64 and it could be used for many different purposes. The main reason is to convert binary data to something passable, so it's more easily transmitted in e-mails and HTML form data. Base64 encryption could be also used in order to prevent unauthorized access (basic authentication, basic anti-spamming logic).
Need to decrypt the text instead? Select online base64 decoder in the related tools below.